ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
Ants are persistent pest problem for a lot of Canberra households, and sometimes it seems no matter what you do to get rid of them, they seem to keep coming back. While professional Canberra pest control can treat outbreaks and infestations, it’s essential to know how you attracted ants in your home in the first place. In this article, we share with you the common ways you draw ants inside, and the simple fixes to avoid large infestations ever being a problem again!
Leaving food out
One of the biggest attractors for ants is food; you may have noticed your ant problem is persistent in your kitchen, around your entertaining outdoor spaces, or spaces near your dining areas. Food left on benches or in sinks create a magnet for these insects. Thankfully the fix is simple; ensure you keep all of your food in sealed containers and cupboards and avoid leaving open food packets or food in cookware for prolonged periods.
Exposed pet food
Following on our discussion of the way ants loving food, there is one not so prominent location in your home that ants flock to, the pet food bowl. As most people set down the bowl and leave it, ants can quickly become attracted to the food and the scraps around it. If this issue concerns you, concentrate your feeding areas to the outdoors, or avoid the set and forget method of feeding by allocating a feeding time window, or by using slow drip feeding toys.
Wet surfaces
Just like any food source, ants need water to survive and will seek water sources at any costs. Most people assume kitchen water sources, just as the sink or around the dishwasher, are the most obvious places; however, ants will often appear in the bathroom or laundry first. These areas are alluring due to pooling water that occurs naturally from bathing or mopping. The solution is to ensure you leave your wet areas as dry as possible, wiping up water spills and by hanging up wet towels away from the flooring.
Unsealed access points
Ants need a way of accessing the home, and the more opportunities you give them to enter the house, the more likely you are to see them. Some access points are easy to spot, such as open doors and windows, and simply closing them will deter them from entering. However, most ant infestations occur from gaps in the wood, seals or flyscreens, resulting in the need for repair of these entry points.
Ants are a common problem for most Canberra homes; if you are need of professional pest control today, contact A1 Professional Pest Control.
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387