ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
If you have noticed numerous spiders in your home lately, you might be suffering from a spider infestation. Spiders can have multiple babies at any one time, meaning it only takes a few pregnant spiders around your home for it to become overrun with the critters.
Poisonous spiders in Australia
If you live in Australia, spiders can be a real fear, as species like red backs and funnel webs can cause a painful bite and even death.
If you have a toddler or other children in your home, a fear about them being bitten isn’t unjustified, as kids often aren’t aware of the dangers and can sometimes handle spiders when they shouldn’t.
Spider control can keep your house safe
Although spider control may not get rid of spiders for life, it will certainly break the spider life-cycle within your home, meaning it will take quite a while for spiders to make your home their home once again.
Controlling spiders depends on their types
Most of the spiders you will find within your home are webbing spiders. Although an important part of our eco-system, if a dangerous webbing spider continues to form webs in your home, it is important to get them professionally removed.
The other type of species is a crawling or hunting spider. These types of spiders aren’t normally found in a home because they often use hollows or burrows to make their nest, which often requires leaf foliage or bark. It is very difficult to get rid of this type of spider if they are within your home, as they need to be directly sprayed with a chemical solution for them to die.
Control options for webbing spiders
The good news is that it’s possible to get rid of the webbing spiders around your home. A pest control business will be able to remove all the webs, thereby destroying the habitat of the spiders.
They can also set up fly traps to get rid of the food source of the webbing spider.
Finally, chemical sprays can be used to treat the area so the spider population does not move back into the area.
Calling in the spider control experts
Professional spider controllers know where to look for spiders and are well-versed in the best methods for getting rid of them.
Do you have a spider problem in your home? Contact A1 Pest control today to see how we can help.
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387