ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
The best way to deal with pest control is prevention. And the best way to ensure prevention is through regular pest inspections. This allows you to find a pest infestation before it takes hold and, most importantly, before it does costly damage.
How often should you get a pest inspection?
Most households who are keen to guard against Canberra pest control should book an inspection at least once every six months. That said, frequency does vary from house to house, depending on age, construction, location and pest control history.
What about older houses?
As a general rule, older houses should have pest inspections more often than newer ones. This is especially the case for houses that have demonstrated susceptibility to pest infestations in the past. Sometimes the problem is related to construction. For example, while many new homes feature termite barrier systems, many older homes were built without them. In addition, termites generally prefer wood that is soft or weathered (although they certainly eat hardwood, too).
Does the location of your house matter?
Like age, the location of a house can put it at higher risk of pest control and, therefore, in need of more frequent inspections. If you live in an area that's heavily forested, you might need inspections more often. This is because forests provide habitats for many pests, including termites, mice, rats, birds and spiders. Unfortunately, if your home is nearby, such creatures might find it a warm, cosy, attractive option to the woods. It's a good idea to find out if there's a known pest population nearby.
What is the relevance of your pest control history?
If you've had a termite infestation recently, then another inspection within three months is recommended. This ensures that all termites were thoroughly removed. After that, an inspection every six months should suffice.
How long does a Canberra pest control inspection take?
Scheduling a regular pest inspection shouldn't get in the way of your routine. The process takes around an hour, depending on the property. As a rule of thumb, the clearer and less cluttered your home, the faster the inspection.
Little known facts about termites
Termites would in no way make good dinner guests. They would rather eat the wooden furniture on which the food is placed rather than eat the food. Yes, termites do love eating wood. It is one of the reasons why they are a huge nuisance when in and around your home. When at their best munching away wood, they are very destructive creatures. They are ubiquitous creatures; however, there are still lots of things most people don't know about ants.
Most termites especially workers and soldiers are blind. However, they don't need to see since they can work comfortably in the dark. That said, though, reproductive termites have sight which is essential in helping them get mates.
They are important to nature
Away from your home, termites play an essential role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. They eat fallen trees matter aiding in decomposition. They also play a crucial role in aerating the soil and enriching the soil with nitrogen – an essential component in plant life.
They observe cleanliness
Termites value cleanliness. Cleaning each other is key to their survival. Dirt leaves them susceptible to bacteria and parasite infestation which is a threat to their existence.
They make mounds
Termites especially the species found in Australia make nests which they live in and often outlive the colony. Some of the nests have a diameter of about 30 metres and can be tall. The tallest found yet was 14 metres tall. Termites use digested wood, mud, faeces and soil to make these mounds.
They live in colonies
Termites live in large colonies with millions of individual members. They have a social caste system. At the bottom are the workers. They are the smallest, completely blind, sexually immature and wingless. They feed and groom other castes. Then there are the soldiers whose role is to defend the colony from enemies. At the top are the reproductives who include the king and queen. They are larger than the other classes.
For pest control especially for controlling termites, as Canberra Pest Control specialists, we don't advocate (DIY) Do It Yourself treatments since they hardly work. For professional termite control, contact A1 Professional Pest Control and we'll make your termite problem our own.
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387