ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
We know that moths can cause serious damage to both clothing and foodstuffs - so it's important to carry out detective work to spot the problem as soon as possible. Now, there is one clue so obvious that even the famously inept Inspector Clouseau would spot it - you see them flying around!
Spotting the less obvious clues of a possible pantry moth infestation
It pays to regularly inspect your store of dried foodstuffs such as flour or bread, cereals, pasta or rice. Pantry moths can also attack spices and nuts, cocoa beans and, like virtually the whole world, they've even been known to enjoy chocolate! Infested food can often look as if it has been covered by a web-like substance. Incidentally, pantry moth larvae can even penetrate sealed bags. A simple preventative measure is to store such foods in sealed containers.
Tell-tale signs of clothes moths
Damage to your clothing is caused by the moth larvae and their feeding habits. To allow this to happen, the female moths lay their sticky eggs onto the surface of your fabrics. It takes less than a week of laying and hatching activities to start more than two years of possible damage feeding. While becoming fully grown, moth larvae can moult well over three dozen times! They have a fairly varied taste in clothing and fabrics: silk, cotton, wool and cashmere, plus feathers and carpets. They don't usually attack synthetic fibres.
Other signs to be clued-up about
As you check both your wardrobes and cupboards, you might spot bare spots on a surface, or cocoons and their tell-tale creamy-white larvae. Tiny sand-like particles might be their droppings.
With the evidence gathered, how to act
If you are a victim of such an infestation, then the simplest solution is to call in professional help. This is because elimination can be a process where great care needs to be taken, with the choice from specific insecticides and other products. Our A1 Professional Pest Control team appreciates this, understands any potential side-effects of treatment, and knows exactly how to use it to best effect.
For an obligation-free chat about moth or other Canberra pest control requirements, simply call us on (02) 6278 5858
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387