ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
Pantry moths are one of the most annoying infestations to have in the home. Known as Indian Meal Moths, these tiny flying insects feast upon dry goods and cause problems for food storage all over the world. They love to get stuck into flour, cereals, nuts and dried herbs, flying around your pantry feasting on whatever they can.
Though they are considered harmless, pantry moths can force you to throw out food and become a costly and frustrating pest to have, especially as they can be difficult to get rid of. However, by following a few simple steps, you can fight back against pantry moths.
Get rid of the infestation’s source
The first step to ridding your kitchen and pantry of moths is to identify the source of the infestation. Pantry moths grow from eggs that quickly cycle through from larvae to pupa to full-grown adults that attack your foodstuff.
If you can find the eggs or the larvae then you can disrupt this life cycle. Look out for clumps inside any packets of flour, grains or starches, and also search for webbing on any food packages.
Clean everything thoroughly
Regardless of where the eggs or larvae of the moths are, it’s important that you clean out the pantry and kitchen thoroughly. Moths love to eat whatever they can find, so the cleaner your pantry and kitchen are, the less they will have to thrive on.
This can be a very time-consuming process, but it will help eliminate the infestation and at the end, you’ll have a spotless space to enjoy.
Restock with care
Once your kitchen and pantry are cleaned, put your foodstuff back in place in glass jars or tightly sealed plastic containers. Make sure any loose food items are sealed or well covered.
Finally, check new food items that you may bring in for signs of infestation. You can clean out your pantry only to bring a new source of infestation in, so check packets thoroughly.
Call the professionals
Despite making these important changes to your kitchen and pantry, you may still experience a moth infestation – they are very difficult to eliminate completely.
A1 Professional Pest Control can advise you on the best ways to create moth-averse conditions for your home. As a leading group for Canberra pest control, we can help by applying specific insecticides and products to your kitchen and pantry, tailoring a safe and effective solution to your needs. Give us a call today.
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387