ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
So, you've heard the patter of tiny feet in the dead of night and seen droppings where droppings have no right to be: you're clearly playing unwilling host to unwanted furry visitors and now is the time to deal with them. Rather than hiring a Canberra pest control expert to get the job done, you may be thinking of trying to save yourself a few bucks and attempt a DIY removal. Please read this before you go ahead.
1. DIY removal is rarely effective
Rodents survive because they are highly adapted to their pest lifestyle. Cunning enough to evade standard traps, many also have a tolerance to commonly used poisons. Even if you catch one or two, there could still be dozens in your property - all of which have the capacity to breed. DIY methods often enable numbers to have time to grow, rather than the reverse.
2. DIY removal is dangerous
Particularly when it comes to nest removal, the stakes are high. Rodents act instinctively to defend their young, and a rat bite can easily pierce a pair of protective gloves or other clothing. And it's not just you that could be bitten - a panicking rat will bite anything in its way, including your family. In addition, nests are often located in inaccessible areas of the house. Perching on a ladder or precariously balanced whilst trying to exterminate a nest is a recipe for disaster.
3. It's not just rodents that can ingest poison
Inexpertly laid poison not only fails to attract rodents, but it's also easily consumed by pets, wildlife and, sadly, occasionally young children. Without prompt access to an antidote, rat poison can be fatal. Do you really want to take that chance?
4. Without preventative measures such as inspection, the rodents will return
Even if, by some miracle, you manage to eradicate an infestation without injuring yourself or others, without regular, expert inspection, fresh rodents can easily return. This means you could be putting yourself and your family through the perilous DIY eradication process every few months.
Is it worth it? We don't think so. For an economical, highly effective, expertly administered Canberra pest control solution, please get in touch.
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387