ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
Pantry and clothes moths are damaging to food, goods and garments, leaving you frustrated when you've discovered an infestation in the cupboard or a hole in your favourite jumper. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take at home to avoid this issue. Pest control starts with prevention, and as such we've brought together these effective methods to prevent an infestation.
Clean and maintain a tidy pantry
Thoroughly clean out your pantry, removing any crumbs in the corners, spilled flour, grain or any other food products. Vacuum and wash the pantry with warm, soapy water. Repackage any open packets of food into something moths won't be able to get into, like jars or durable, sealed plastic containers. Doing this will deter moths from wanting to live in your pantry, as there won't be a food supply for them.
Getting rid of existing infestations
If there are any signs of an existing infestation in any products, discard them in a bin far from your property so they can't find their way back. Wiping shelves, food storage containers and other surfaces with white vinegar can help to kill any remaining eggs.
Mothballs, which release pesticides into the air, can be placed in the wardrobe to kill any larvae living in clothes. If you find an article of clothing with moth holes in it, put it in the freezer in a plastic bag for one week to kill any eggs that have been laid in it. You can also try this freezer trick with any dry food goods you've just brought home as a preventative measure.
Use deterrence
In the kitchen, try using bay leaves to deter moths in the pantry. You can also spray essential oils like eucalyptus, tee tree and citronella onto kitchen surfaces.
Even with preventative measures in place, infestations can still happen. A1 Professional Pest Control are leaders in Canberra pest control, providing you with an effective and professional service. If you find a moth infestation in your pantry or clothes, don't hesitate to contact us on (02) 6278 5858 to discuss how we can help to make your home pest-free.
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387