ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
When you receive a visit from your Canberra Pest Control expert, you are in an advantageous position to be educated about everything you need to know about a pest-free home, and the best practices to prevent repeat issues. In this article, we take you through four of the most popular and resourceful questions to ask your pest control expert during your appointment, and things you’ll want to know to prevent all pest outbreaks in the future!
How did this pest infestation happen?
It’s beneficial to understand why your home has become inundated with unwanted pests, insects or rodents. By asking your pest control expert, they will be able to show you first hand the areas of your home where they have infiltrated, or the activities that will have likely brought them into your home. This advice will allow you to understand the issue and make changes to your home or lifestyle choices.
How can I prevent a pest return?
Once you’ve experienced a pest control issue in your home, there’s no doubt you want to avoid a repeated outbreak again. Your pest control expert will be able to explain how to make the most of the pest control treatment, what areas need your immediate attention in the following days after the treatment, and the areas of your home you’re best to avoid, to allow the treatment to work effectively. Other advice worth perusing is the warning signs of pest infestations; your pest controller will be able to demonstrate the early signs most people ignore or aren’t aware are linked to pest issues.
Am I at risk of other pest problems?
With a short yet effective assessment of your home, your pest controller will be able to identify if you’re at immediate risk of any other types of pest issues or infestations you may have missed. While it may not be a problem with your home specifically, there may have been persistent issues in Canberra, and your pest controller will be able to advise you on problems to watch out for common in your area.
Will I need future visits?
It isn’t possible to assess whether your treatment will need repeated attention until the pest tech is in your home and can evaluate the severity of your issue. Therefore, this is the perfect time to ask your pest control expert whether the infestation has been completely dealt with or not. During this time, you’re best to discuss time frames, how to assess your progress, and the best course of action if you experience any concerns.
Every home is likely to have pest control issues at some stage, and at A1 Professional Pest Control, we enjoy transforming your home into a comfortable, pest-free space for your family to enjoy! Contact us today to discuss your pest control needs now!
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387