ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
Termites in Australia are nasty little critters. They are very active in munching through unfortunate and unprotected homes right across the country. And while no area is safe, the tropical regions are particularly at risk.
Understanding the recommended treatments
Many of us are aware that we need to protect our homes in Australia against termites by treating the slabs during the build stage with a termite mesh or similar. We also know that having regular checks and chemical treatments during the life of the property are also essential maintenance activities.
But I have a steel frame house…
Steel frame homes are resistant to termites from a structural/ frame point of view, which is great. So far (and thankfully) termites have not yet evolved to be able to masticate their way through that tough stuff, but have you considered the internal areas of your home? Even with a steel frame, you likely still have wooden floors and doors, as well as window frames, architraves and skirtings, Gyprock (or plasterboard) walls, timber cupboards – the list goes on. These are all vulnerable to termite attacks.
Hang on a minute… you mentioned Gyprock?
Yes, even Gyprock can be susceptible. Although Gypsum comes from rock, Gyprock is usually finished with a thick paper coating. And, you guessed it, termites like to eat the paper coating. Who would blame them? It’s the softest wood ever! This means an all reward, no effort treat for those nasty little creatures.
So the moral of the story?
Even though you have a steel framed house, you still need to protect it against termites. A quality termite treatment provider, such as A1 Professional Pest Control, can help you. Don’t waste your time with a DIY job, they generally don’t work and it’s really not worth it. The team at A1 Professional Pest Control are experts in providing termite treatments for your home, so call us today to book an appointment.
– Queensland Building and Construction Commission:
– Dentec Pest:
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387