ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
Yes, you hate cockroaches - the dirty, filthy things that they are. Yes, you are quite rightly concerned, even paranoid, about termites. And yes, you are downright scared of rats, with good cause. Let's face it, those guys get all the attention. But have you forgotten about another pest which can cause plenty of damage and cost you a small fortune? We are talking about ordinary old moths....
Pantry moths - they just love your flour
These little creatures, almost certainly Indian meal moths, come into your house as virtually invisible eggs in food packages such as flour, rice, some breads, spices, dry pet food, and lollies - foodstuffs you would normally assume are packaged safely. The eggs hatch into larvae, which of course turn into moths. But larvae can even eat into plastic bags or cardboard, infesting the contents. They ruin those items, and whilst eating moth-infested foods is unlikely to actually make you sick, it is more the inconvenience and cost of losing the food that is so annoying.
Clothes damage - how expensive can that be?
Whilst it might well be frustrating to lose good food, what about the cost of replacing clothing damaged by moths? It's happened to all of us. You go into the wardrobe at the end of Autumn to get out that favourite jumper or coat in readiness for a cold Canberra winter, only to look down and see holes in the material, smack in the middle of the garment, so it is unwearable.
Again, the damage is caused by larvae, and you could be dealing with two types of moths. Firstly, the old garden variety that you see flying around and wave away. Or secondly, another form identified by its outer silk case. They love to lay their eggs in dark corners, so wardrobes are great homes for these guys. The females lay their eggs on a fabric, and bang, you are in for many months of ongoing damage.
Keep moths at bay
The good news is, A1 Professional Pest Control can offer you a treatment to get rid of these pests, no matter if you live in Belconnen, Gungahlin or wherever else in Canberra.
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387