ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
Australia is home to more than 10,000 species of wasp and 2,000 species of bee. While bees and wasps play a vital role in our ecosystems, they can become pests in suburban areas. Bees and wasps are known for the threat they cause to humans and animals from their painful stings, but less is known about the structural damage they can cause to our homes.
How wasps pose a threat to your home
Wasps can pose a serious threat to the structural integrity of your home. Wasps will typically enter your home through an open window, and build nests in hidden nooks and crannies. They are also known to build nests on the ground itself, under windowsills or awnings, and in tree stumps. Once a wasp nest is fully established, it can house up to 100,000 individual wasps. While the idea of having wasps inside your home may be frightening enough, there is also the potential for the nests to cause structural damage to your walls. Secretions from a fully established wasp nest can leak into your drywall and cause damage to the point where the nest may come through your wall.
The effects of a bee infestation
One bee species known for causing significant damage to Australian homes is the carpenter bee. Carpenter bees are named for the small holes they drill in wood to build their nests. Outdoor decks, fence posts and furniture are also popular places for bees to drill their holes. Carpenter bees can cause both structural and water damage to your home, as the holes can weaken the wood and moisture can leak into them, causing the wood to rot.
How to prevent and solve wasp and bee infestations
Because wasps and bees nest in enormous numbers and are known to sting when disturbed, it's best to hire an experienced pest control professional to treat the problem carefully and thoroughly. A1 Professional Pest Control provide an expert Canberra pest control service to remove bees and wasps from your home or garden. To avoid painful stings and to ensure your bee and wasp problem is dealt with properly, avoid tackling the problem on your own, and hire an experienced professional to get the job done well.
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387