ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
They’re the smallest of bugs and yet they can have a huge impact on the value and state of your property. Why should we be aware of termites and, more importantly, preventing them? The destruction caused by termites can lead to a hefty repair bill and can potentially be very dangerous if left to eat away at the foundation of your home.
Here are some tips on how you can prevent termites from making your home, their home.
Limit the water around your home
Ensure that any water leaks you do have are repaired as soon as possible as even the smallest of leaks could be the reason the termites come to your home. Install drain pipes around your home to make sure that any water does not pool around the foundations. Termites need water to survive; if you limit the amount of water you limit the survival chances of termites.
Clear away any dead vegetation around your home
Those branches that have fallen off the tree or roots from a dead plant should be cleared and taken away. Leaving them to rot in the soil could attract termites into your home.
Store wood away from the house
Your house may be made of wood but that doesn’t mean you should have firewood and spare pieces of building lumber laying around near it. Make sure you store any wood away from the house so that if that gets invaded by termites there’s less chance of them invading the house too.
Treated lumber
If you have any structures that come into direct contact with the ground, they should be made from treated lumber. The chemicals used to treat the wood may not give you a 100% guarantee of termites staying away but they may deter them.
Look after the foundation of your home
This means sealing up any cracks that may appear and having a yearly inspection done by a professional for any termite damage that may have occurred. If caught early the damage caused by termites can be limited.
If you do find a termite infestation in your home, the best thing you can do is call a professional as soon as possible. Don’t waste your money on at-home treatments, contact A1 Professional Pest Control.
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387