ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
When you think of a wasp, you may think of an insect that is a nuisance, but not a real threat. While a wasp infestation is indeed a nuisance, it is also a serious problem that could have many severe consequences. Below we outline the dangers of a wasp infestation.
1. Physical attacks
Wasps by nature are aggressive and territorial. This means that even when they decide to build a nest on your property, you will be treated as an intruder. Wasps can use their stinger multiple times, unlike bees, and will do so if they are agitated or suspect someone of trying to intrude in their home. One wasp sting can hurt, but wasps often attack in packs which is extremely painful and has potentially fatal consequences as multiple stings can cause anaphylactic shock.
2. Food contamination
Particularly during the hotter months, wasps will seek out sweet food. Wasps may invade your kitchen in search of food or target your family as you are eating outside. While this is annoying, it also has harmful consequences. As wasps frequently visit waste disposal bins and animal carcases, they carry harmful substances with them. This means that if they land on your food or kitchen appliances, they have contaminated the area with dangerous substances for humans.
3. Estate and property damage
Wasps seek shelter and will build their nest anywhere they can. This could be in your wall cavities, vents or windowsills, to name but a few locations. Wasp nests are usually extensive and can cause damage if they are attached to a wooden surface. The longer you leave a wasp nest, the more damage it may cause; over time, wasps have even been known to burrow through building walls to extend their nests.
To avoid these dangers, it is important to have a wasp nest removed as soon as you notice it. Trying to remove the nest yourself will only create more problems due to the aggressive and determined nature of wasps. If you suspect your property has a wasp infestation, contact A1 Professional Pest Control today for Canberra pest control you can rely on.
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387