ACT Environmental Auth No: 0619 Lic No: 5084551
Termite Accred No: 5387
Most people make pest control calls in the spring and summer. However, fall and winter pest control is still in demand because the cooler climate forces some of the worst pests to move indoors where it is warm. And some people may find these pests to be lovable and cuddly, for instance, mice and rats. However, these unwelcome guests raise serious health concerns for humans.
Rodents are responsible for spreading more than 35 diseases worldwide, either directly or indirectly. ( These diseases are harmful to people especially young children and older persons with vulnerable immune systems. Once faeces from both rats and mice accumulate, they can spread bacteria, trigger allergic reactions in humans and also contaminate food sources. Moreover, this faecal matter can dry up and is quite hazardous to those who breathe it in.
Rodent droppings can spread diseases and viruses like the ones listed below.
Bubonic plague
This plague is highly contagious and is notoriously known for killing one-third of the European population during the middle ages. Also known as the “Black Death,” it spreads through an infected rodent's flea. The disease is characterised by headaches, fevers and painfully swollen lymph nodes.
Rat-bite fever
An individual can get RBF by consuming food contaminated by rodents or from a rodent bite. Some of the symptoms include fever, headaches, a rash, vomiting and muscle pain and begin showing 3-10 days after exposure.
Consuming contaminated food with rodent faeces can quickly infect you with salmonellosis; a type of food poisoning. Some of its symptoms include abdominal pain, fever and diarrhoea. Each year, there are nearly 13,000 reported cases of Salmonellosis in Australia. (
This virus is potentially life-threatening and is primarily transmitted by a mouse. You can get infected if you inhale infected rodent urine, saliva or droppings. Some of its early symptoms include fever, muscle aches and fatigue. Later on, infected people may experience dizziness, chills and abdominal problems.
Finding a Canberra pest control service can help your family avoid the health risks posed by rodents. A professional like A1 Pest Control can offer you the expertise and knowledge if an infestation is suspected. We can also schedule inspections to keep rodents away from your home. Call us now on (02) 6278 5858 to get started.
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Contact information
Phone: (02) 6278 5858
Mobile: 0415 915 259
Licence# 5084551
Termite Accreditation# 5387